Partnering with CMS

Studio Salt & Light is privileged to be a supporter of the Church Missionary Society of Australia.

5% of every net sale is pledged to CMS (Victoria) as part of our quarterly giving.

About CMS (Victoria)

Christ himself called us to be bearers of the Good News to the far corners of the earth. As we seek to see a world that knows Jesus, and conscious of our responsibility to peoples in our near-neighbour region, the mission of CMS is:

Reach gospel-poor peoples for Christ

Reach gospel-poor peoples for Christ

Equip Christian leaders for church and society

Equip Christian leaders for church and society

Engage churches in cross-cultural mission

Engage churches in cross-cultural mission

The CMS difference is that we send workers long-term, we focus on gospel proclamation through word and deed, we train our workers in necessary cross-cultural skills. And of course, we are strongly Bible-based. Together, we can help to see a world that knows Jesus.

To find out more, feel free to visit our website, then contact us for a coffee to chat about how you can Pray, Care, Give or Go!

phone: 9894 4722


Frequently asked questions

How do you calculate the pledged amount?

We pledge 5% of every net sale we make on our website to CMS. Net sale refers to the amount we receive from transactions excluding discounts, freight charge, GST, and returns.

We keep an internal record of the pledged amount collected from each order, and donate them in one lump sum payment directly to CMS Victoria every quarter.

Who is CMS and what do they do?

CMS (The Church Missionary Society of Australia) works in fellowship with churches and local Christians to see life proclaimed through Christ around the world. CMS sends human resources, like teachers, doctors, nurses, students, church workers and Bible/theology lecturers overseas.

CMS has branches in every state/territory of Australia. The office we partner with is our local Victoria branch.

I would love to give more to CMS. What should I do?

That sounds amazing. Please visit and learn more. CMS could really benefit from your prayers and financial support.

Got Questions? Drop us a line.